Leny Sojor




The Philippines

Leny Sojor


I first met the Brothers of St. John of God in 2006.  We were going to have our on-the-job training as caregivers in the children’s home Bahay San Rafael. The Brother who gave the orientation made it sound easy. But actual hands on experience with the children dictated otherwise. And yet, each one of us had a meaningful experience with the boys.  Being with them made me realize that, no matter how bad life can get, I am still more fortunate than children with a disability. We finished our OJT and we agreed that we would visit the children regularly.  In 2008 I applied to be a new caregiver at Bahay San Rafael. I feel that I was fortunate to be accepted.  I felt an inner happiness serving the children. They taught me that I don’t need expensive materials or things to be happy.  They are happy even without expensive things.  They taught me well. Then in 2009 the Brothers gave me a new opportunity. I was invited to be the teacher of these children in special education.  Happily I accepted this offer.  Though my responsibilities would be more difficult, I would be part of the development of these children and would share in the aim of helping them to grow to be productive persons in our society. Teaching special education is a vocation.  I am happy being with these children.   I feel that I am in the right path in serving our God through my dedication as a teacher. 


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