Juan Ahito Chuquillanqui




Peru – Lima

Juan Ahito Chuquillanqui


I have been a co-worker for over thirty one years.  I work in General Services/Maintenance.  I came to the St John of God Clinic in 1983 and was received by Br Lazo, who was Director at the time. He had been asked to find a carpenter by Br Antonio Recio Gutierrez.  It was my friend Angelino Arango, who already worked at the Clinic, who told me about the chance of a job and took me there.  I met many good companions in Maintenance, who over the years have become like brothers to me.  During my years at the Clinic I learned to know the value of Hospitality, which helped me to grow in my personal and professional life, as well as in my family life and the life of the community where I live at present.  I would also like to testify to the change that has been taking place in the Clinic in recent years.  There has been an improvement not only in the structure but also at the personal level, since our beloved institution is involved in many activities designed to continue our formation so that we can carry on our dream, the same as our Founder’s dream, to go on serving our neighbour. 


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