Jesús Etayo Arrondo





Jesús Etayo Arrondo


My first contact with the Order was through the Apostolic School in Zaragoza. It enabled me to grow better acquainted with it, and at the age of 17, I entered the Novitiate.

Since the time of my youth I had felt attracted to the mission of the Brothers, that is to say, I was deeply impressed by their dedication to the sick and needy. This awakened my religious vocation which gradually matured and grew until I was able to identify the call to follow Christ as a Brother of St John of God. Various Brothers and other people were very helpful to me in this process, with their advice, their example and their witness.  

Growing closer to the figure of Saint John of God was very important to me. From the outset, I was captivated by his personality and his experience. And the same still applies to this very day, as I am still discovering new things all the time. He was a man of God, who captivated me and always encouraged and animated me to follow Christ as he did.

When I was 19 I made my first religious profession, and at 27 I was ordained as a priest of Hospitality. Since then, my whole life has been dedicated to Hospitality in a variety of different services: formation, pastoral care, and for many years the animation and governance of my Province, and now the Order.

The years in which I was able to live in direct contact at the service of the sick by providing them with assistance and pastoral care were especially happy, and I lived my religious vocation with joy and enthusiasm as a Brother and as a member of the great Family of Hospitality which provides care throughout the world to the most vulnerable people, as the Good Samaritans of today. 


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