Leizel Gabriel




The Philippines

Leizel Gabriel


I remember a memorable encounter with a special child during my high school days.   The child had Down Syndrome and was accompanied by his mother while going back home. I wasn’t aware of what a special child was back then.  That encounter was providential.  It invited me to pursue a degree in occupational therapy.  The memory of that special child stirred something within me – a desire to be of service to people with disabilities.  After graduating from college, I decided to work in a paediatric setting because I love to be with children.

I was teaching in another institution when I met Br. Gerard who was teaching catechism at that time.  I wasn’t content with what I was doing, and so, I resigned.  A friend of mine told me that Br. Gerard was searching for an occupational therapist for the San Ricardo Pampuri Center.  I decided to apply.  I met Br. Fermin and he invited me to work in St. Rafael School for Special Children.  I was so happy and excited to start work immediately because there were lots of special children who needed  intervention to improve their current condition.

The Brothers’ efforts and desire to help these needy children are inspiring.  I thank God for this wonderful opportunity to offer my skills in serving Him through being of assistance to the special children of San Ricardo Pampuri Center.  I have found my place and purpose. 


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