Ida Crisologo




The Philippines

Ida Crisologo


My auntie helped me become one of the employees of the Order’s Granada Educational Foundation, Inc.  And this is the reason I became a member of the Family of St. John of God. Through the help of St. John of God, I have found a vocation in doing works of mercy that help those in need - especially the sick.  I found it effortless to do this work which entails patience and understanding.   And these values helped me to serve the poor and respect the rules of the organization.  This vocation became my guide in my growth as a co-worker of the Order. Presently, there are lots of people who are in need of the help of the Order.  That is especially the case for parents who have special needs children.  I am praying that the Brothers would be able to continue their services to those in need and to people with disabilities.  I am thankful to our Father Founder, St. John of God, that he is always guiding and helping the Order in its ministry in building God’s kingdom through Hospitality.  May the Family of St. John of God – Brothers and Co-workers – continue to Prosper in work and in ministry. 


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