Samuel Caetano





Samuel Caetano


In different hospitals according to my experience made in Tanguieta-(Benin), Asafo-(Ghana), Lome-( Togo) and Tigania-(Kenya). This gift of hospitality in the manner of Saint John of God has always continued to spread, even to those who are not always animated by the values of the Christian faith. The Charism that has been handed down has spread with remarkable creativity, giving rise to many achievements and meeting the needs of different times and places. The missionary Brother from different countries in Africa, those working in the mission, have made it possible for the Charism of Saint John of God to extend far and wide and be acculturated, beginning with the Order’s  first foundation in Africa at Ilha de Mozambique in Nampula (Mozambique) on the 31.06.1681. (The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope, love of the past implies faith in the future). These missionary Brothers of Saint John of God belong to Portugal (Europe), this history is important to know and remember. As members of the Hospitaller Order, we are challenged to live out an even fuller incarnation of the word in our daily lives.

As Hospitaller Brothers of Saint John of God, we strive to live in ever-greater depth the sentiments that Christ had towards the sick and those in need and to manifest these sentiments with actions of mercy. We recognize our own weakness and therefore become weak with the weak so as to assist those favored companions of Jesus. Our relationship with people is always to proclaim God’s love according to the Africa traditions, culture and faith.

Through this relationship, we defend their rights and offer our lives for them.

We dedicate ourselves with joy to helping those who suffer, with those attitudes and actions which characterize the Brother of Saint John of God: patient and responsible service; respect and faithfulness to the person; understanding and kindness; sharing in the anxieties and hopes of those who suffer. We accept and carry out the will of God, imitating the simplicity, availability to others, self-giving and faithfulness of the Mother of God, Mary. We Endeavour to reflect her maternal love in our apostolate to those who suffer. We recognize her special patronage over our Order and over those to whom we give our assistance. We recognize the position she holds in the life of the Church.

In conclusion it now forms part and parcel of the global village in different countries in Africa. Some of us have highly technically advanced societies and centers, while others are in development like Tanguieta-Benin societies and Centers. Some live in countries that enjoy peace, while others are suffering from violence and war, or the aftermath of violence belonging to a recent past. Some enjoy the benefits of a free society, but others have their freedom and their fundamental rights severely curtailed, some of us are devoted specifically to Hospitaller work, while others are more concerned with social issues and marginalization, some are trying to help people to live, while the mission of others is to help them to die with dignity. Although all of us are working with the aim of providing comprehensive, holistic care, some concentrate more on physical health, others on mental health for example Nampula (Mozambique), Senegal and Togo, and others still are helping to create the conditions to enable people to enjoy decent living standards. 


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