Ramiel Guinandar




The Philippines

Ramiel Guinandar


I am a Scholastic Brother in the Philippines, studying for a degree in Social Work. Recently parts of the Philippine were devastated by a typhoon called Yolanda and many lives were lost. I visited one place where we helped people in their efforts to rehabilitate themselves. It was a heartbreaking experience and one could not help wondering how the people had survived. When I stepped down from the plane and saw the misery of the people I asked God why such a disaster happened. Of course no answer came to that question which people have been asking for centuries. However, I did feel that God could show his love and mercy through my efforts to help and console the people. While I was working with the typhoon survivors I often recalled the words of St. John of God: “If we reflected on the breadth of God's mercy, we would never cease doing good while we were able.” When I reflect on my relationship with God I am deeply touched by the mercy he has shown me. One act of that mercy was to call me to serve him in Hospitality. So, I thought, it is now my turn, amongst these suffering people, to reveal the mercy of god in how I treat them and relate to them. Throughout the recovery and rehabilitation phases my heart is full of joy because, somehow I was give them necessary faith, hope and charity to bring the love of God to others through Hospitality. 


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