John Mark Languez




The Philippines

John Mark Languez


It was in 1995 that I came to know the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God. It was through my cousin who was a postulant at that time. He kept sending me the brochures, booklets and publications about St. John of God and the Order. After serving in my Parish for one year, I entered the Order at the age of 17 and made my first profession of vows in the year 2000 and, with God’s grace, made my Solemn Profession after five years, 2005. The Brothers entrusted me with being in-charge in the ministry in both our Polyclinic and Special Schools. The tasks were not easy because they needed dedication and perseverance.  In my daily works, I have encountered being pressured because of the nature of the work but I was able to conquer and surpass it with the help of the members of the Community and, of course, my prayer life. The service of people who are sick and with special needs is a big challenge and calls for a big and compassionate heart. As a Brother of St. John of God, it is my duty to be an example to our Co-workers and clients in living the spirit of HOSPITALITY. Despite the nature of the work, which is tiring and demanding, I always find joy and happiness in serving them.  I always keep in my heart of what St. John of God said “Brothers, do good to yourselves by doing good to others.” 


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