Gerard Mortera




The Philippines

Gerard Mortera


My Vocation Story began in the year 1970.  Mother gave birth to a healthy baby boy on the 31st of July.  Both of my parents were so happy that their prayers for a child of their own had been answered by God. They named me after the patron saint of expectant mothers.   They were proud of their baby boy.  At long last, their family is complete. I was sent to school at the age of 5.  Mother told me that I deserve the best.  And so, she enrolled me in OB Montessori for my pre-school education.  My basic education  was at Paco Catholic School.  They taught me everything I needed in my basic education.  Dad and Mom were always there to give their best support.   I even remember having encountered RVM sisters near my home.  They were God’s instruments in my chosen vocation. Through them, I became attracted to religious life.  And after graduation, I asked permission to enter the seminary to be a priest.  But the priestly life was not meant for me.  I really felt God’s providence through a sister who referred me to the Hospitaller Brothers. My journey in the religious life wasn’t easy.  Accepting my limitations has become a challenge for me.  And yet, I have always felt God’s presence.  And I am so happy and very thankful that my God gave me the Hospitaller way of life as my purpose.  This is the happy ending of my Story. 


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