Mª Pilar Huarte Artigas





Mª Pilar

Huarte Artigas


The value of Hospitality, whose meaning and significance are difficult to describe in a few words.

A decade ago, whether due to chance, the faith, experience, my formation or a little of each, I became part of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God and my concern to find out where it worked drove me on to learn about its values and ethos.

Coordinating the Volunteers’ Unit is a huge challenge and privilege, and it has gradually shaped to me to become what I am today. Thanks to my relations with patients and their loved ones I have been able to share conversations, hugs, joy, sadness, and an endless gamut of feelings that have enabled me to grow as a person and to come to terms with my fears and doubts. Accompanying the volunteers and relating with colleagues has strengthened me and taught me how to deal with difficult situations and to experience moments of hope.

These years have seen many ups and downs, but I have always been driven by the idea of continuing to pursue the “trail” which John of God first blazed.

Hospitality already forms part of me, helping me to live with myself, teaching me to understand others, and to respect them for what they are, not only considering how they relate to me. This encourages me to look within myself and to live with my own shortcomings and virtues, learning day by day.

John of God worked very hard for others, but he also left us a great lesson: how to live life from within, from within oneself. 


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