Tommy Asei




Papua New Guinea

Tommy Asei


When I wrote this testimony I was a novice from the Papua New Guinea Provincial Delegation completing my initial formation in the novitiate of the Provincial Delegation of the Philippines. When I arrived at Manila and came to live at Amadeo I was struck by how Filipino society is more developed than the Melanesian society of my country. However I soon noted that the life of the poor people is much the same no matter how much a country has developed. And, of course, our charism of Hospitality always finds its natural location with the members of a society who are poor. As a novice in our Order I soon found myself having apostolic experience working alongside the Filipino Brothers. I have learned a lot from them about Hospitality and how it constantly calls on us to put the needy person at the centre of our lives. Near the novitiate our Order has an orphanage in which live boys who are very mentally and physically handicapped. I have liked working with these boys and I try to be like a big brother to them. Hospitality that accepts and then serves handicapped persons is very attractive to me because the history of my Province of Oceania and the Order in Papua New Guinea includes running homes and schools and services for people with a handicap. The Hospitality that we show handicapped persons also serves their families and friends and consoles them in their difficulties and disappointment with the handicapped member of their family. 


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