Antonio Perilla Muñoz





Antonio Perilla Muñoz


I was 16 when the Brothers who managed the Hospital at Chía came to visit my high school as part of their apostolate: there I began to know about the life of Saint John of God and the mission he performed.

This was to leave its mark on my whole life: I began to study Nursing at the Order’s San Rafael college and there Fr Perulan continued to show me the path which Saint John of God’s took to look after those in greatest need.

When I completed my studies in 1981, I began working in the hospital at La Ceja, where I was the first male nurse and one of the few Nursing Auxiliaries working in this institution.

From what I learnt in my home, and the motivation I received in previous experiences and in Clinical Pastoral Care programmes, I came to realise that LIFE ONLY HAS ANY SENSE WHEN IT IS SERVED BY LOVE.

I have derived huge satisfaction from seeing my patients, particularly the mentally ill, welcomed by me, treated with human warmth and humanised care, giving them the feeling of being people worthy of all love and care, for whom it is worthwhile spending one’s life.

I thank God for having enabled me to know the mission of Saint John of God, and to share it with the Brothers and my companions, as a result of which, for 33 years spent among them, my life has been filled with the satisfaction of knowing that I have done GOOD, DONE WELL, as Saint John of God preached. 


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