Stanislaus Murray





Stanislaus Murray


My name is Brother Stanislaus Murray. I have been a member of the Order, in the Oceania Province, since 1952. I live in Sydney, Australia. I am now in my mid-eighties. Before I joined the Order I was an auto-electrician. I have always had skills in the area of household maintenance. When I reached a stage in my life at which I could no longer engage fulltime in the ministry of Hospitality I began to visit some of the group-homes of a project of our Province called “Casa Venegas”. It is an aftercare service that provides supervised accommodation for former psychiatric patients. I began to call regularly on the different dwellings in the system and do maintenance tasks like replacing light globes, fixing doors and repairing furniture. The actual work was not that important but my informal contact with the residents in the homes was therapeutic and the regular personnel in the homes encouraged me to converse with the residents while, and after, I did my maintenance tasks. When the late Brother Fabian Hynes came back to the Province after many years’ service in the Vatican Pharmacy he joined me in my visits. His expression of the Hospitality to which he had dedicated his life took the form of cooking meals which he used to deliver to some of the residents who were not very skilled in preparing their own meals. So, as I practiced my form of Hospitality I had the very good example from another very hospitable Brother. 


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