Lourdes Sialer Tirado




Peru – Lima

Lourdes Sialer Tirado


My experience as a Social Worker here has been very varied, allowing me not only to grow professionally but also to find a second family and wonderful friends.   The climate in the Outpatients Department where I work and the colleagues with whom I have worked the last twenty five years was welcoming, a discovery of the world of the disabled while establishing not only good working relations, but also cultivating sincere friendships, developing the feeling of belonging to the house, internalizing our institutional values and putting them into the practice of Hospitality, where the priority is the patient.

The joy of seeing the outcome of our interdisciplinary work in the children’s recovery, the climate at work, the closeness of the Brothers have all been the psychological and emotional compensation for our hard work.

For the past three years I have been working for Human Capital Wellbeing, which has meant a totally different experience, tackling the problems and seeing to the needs of our co-workers.  We count on the support of Executive Management in all the activities designed for our staff.  We hope to transmit the St John of God charism to our co-workers so that they may live the experience of Hospitality in their everyday tasks and so that our work may be our best prayer. 


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