Diego González García






González García


My life of faith was forged in a community of young people in my village parish, where I was brought up as a Christian and where I was confirmed. I sensed that God was calling me to do something, but I had no idea of what that might be!  One day, a friend of mine mentioned the Brothers of St John of God, and without really knowing why, I found it interesting and began to read about them in a magazine that they had given me; I read it with great interest and found the courage to write to them, asking for more information. Shortly afterwards I received a letter from the vocations promoter with an invitation to visit them.

After spending a few days with the Brothers and finding that serving the mentally ill was enormously satisfying, I developed an attraction for the Brothers’ way of life and eventually decided to enter the Order. This was obviously after spending a great deal of time in prayer, to overcome my fears and find the courage to leave my job and my family. 

After 30 years of consecration to our Lord, with all its ups and down, I can gratefully say to God, ‘Thank you for the gift of Hospitality and for your commitment to me, for having given me the readiness and the joy to devote myself to the service of the needy: the sick, the elderly, children…. 


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