Álvaro Rioja





Alvaro Rioja


I am the Director of Human Resources in my Centre responsible for induction of new personnel overseeing and evaluating staff will also to give emotional and motivational support to our coworkers. I am also responsible for ensuring compliance with employment law and the fair treatment of workers. In short, I try to meet the needs of my in-house clients to be able to improve their productivity and provide a better service to my external clients.

Trying to overcome my emotions, I try to it closer to others to place myself in their shoes so that I can better understand what is happening and help them as well as I can and try to ensure that things are effectively done to meet the needs of the individual and to enable them to feel that they are a part of our institution, as members and not only has numbers, to give them the recognition they deserve, to help them and to serve them as their guide within the institution setting aside the cold rigidity of organisation charts and coming down to work directly in contact with the grassroots staff to be able to understand the real needs and how they feel about their work. 


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