Nevol Anele




Papua New Guinea

Nevol Anele


My name is Nevol Anele and I am the Brother-in-charge at Walamu where, in a remote part of Papua New Guinea, our Order conducts a rural health centre. I am very conscious of the responsibility that I and my two confreres here at Walamu have to make sure that Hospitality is respected and manifested in our lives and works. That special sense of responsibility derives from the fact that this rural health service is the first St. John of God foundation that was established entirely by Papua New Guinean Brothers. No brothers apart from Papua New Guineans have ever been stationed in Walamu. It has been Melanesian Brothers who have been responsible for the development of this apostolate. The Oceania Province from the very beginning of its presence in PNG strove to empower the Papua New Guinean Brothers to develop the Order in a uniquely Melanesian way. Walamu is the culmination of that effort. In PNG our Order has two main ministries – Addictions Counselling and Rural Health. In recent Brothers’ Assemblies we have given top priority to maintaining our efforts to provide primary health care in out-of-the-way places. To me, that seems to be an excellent expression of true John of God Hospitality. 


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