Ana Vianey Ortiz





Ana Vianey Ortiz


My Hospitaller vocation was a response to an invitation, to a call from God in my life. I have been a member of the Saint John of God family for 16 years, which has given me confidence, trust and warmth, to serve my neighbour, expressed in a deep love of God, sharing my daily life with the patients and coworkers, on Jesus’s mission through love, commitment, fidelity, and generosity enriched by the charism of the Order which has nourished my life profoundly, and given me the energy I need to provide an efficient, appropriate service, with a humble heart and with feelings of mercy goodness, joy and hope, with a positive attitude and with faith.

I practise hospitality by living and working in a team, recognising that we are a FAMILY, with one heart, one mind, receiving our patients lovingly; we strengthen one another and become a sign and a desire to walk forward increasingly recognising the diversity we express.

I thank God and the Hospitaller Order for their great concern to strengthen and animate the bonds of St John of God Fraternity. I give thanks to the Order because it trains us to practise true Communion, by authentically giving our services and continuing the evangelising mission which springs from, and is communicated to others, from the heart. Working in the St John of God hospital is to serve, teach and spread the message of Christ, to love our patients with the same feelings of Jesus himself. 


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