Angela Neville-Egan



Work Colleague

West European Province

Angela Neville-Egan


Upon my personal reflection of the life of St. John of God and the values of Hospitality exemplified throughout his work with the sick and the poor, I am brought through his story to a greater awareness , to a greater understanding for myself of the power and responsibility that  I hold in seeking each day to express and manifest life-giving encounters and relationhip with those I meet. Effectively I allow the Spirit of St. John of God and the inherited values of Hospitality to impact the manner in which I live my life as a homemaker, in my role as healthcare chaplain and as a person who lives in community with others in many different aspects.

For me actively living out the Values of Hospitality is a way of being in the world, a way that I my own spirit leans towards because such orientation that Hospitality in the manner of St John of God demands, knits together beautifully with the values of goodness and kind heartedness that my parents sought to instill in me as a young child when they taught me about God and the importance of caring for and loving one another.  In effect therefore the Values of Hospitality touch the core of my identity which is embedded in relationship with God Self and others all of which bring meaning and purpose to my life.

In conclusion, the Values of Hospitality give me a structure an ethical framework if you will, that teaches me and re-informs me consistently of what I am about as a professional chaplain caring for people in our Community Mental Service here in Cluain Mhuire. Through being ever mindful of the Values of Hospitality I have a unique resource that grounds and motivates my work in the present all the while challenging me to remain forward looking towards, in theological terms, to what yet remains to be created for the greater good of those we serve. 


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