Carlos Sandoval





Carlos Sandoval


I have been a co-worker for the past thirty five years, working in tailoring.  I came to the St John of God Clinic as a patient at the age of eight, fell in love with another patient and ended by marrying her on the eve of the first telethon.  When I fell in love, I had trouble with the Sister in charge of the girls’ ward.  She would send me off and would not allow me to go in, so that I was unable to see my girl-friend.  However, with the help of Br Simon Lazaro and Br Fermin, I would manage to smuggle myself in and see her on the sly, and hoped that Sister would retire to her convent.  On the day of my wedding, which was held here in the Clinic, the Sister who made life so difficult for me, sat in the front row!  I now have two children.  I remember that when I was a child, the Brothers would dress up as Three Kings and come to the wards and give us presents.  I feel that the St John of God Clinic is my second home and the Brothers my parents because they were with me when I was a child. 


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