Meeting of the Finance Commission
The Finance Commission held its second meeting this year on 28-29 November 2019 at the General Curia in Rome. In addition to the usual agenda items – examining the 2020 budget and the 2019 preliminary financial statements, and appraising the centres in economic and financial difficulties – the following items were also addressed:
Setting a new criterion for distributing the financial contributions for the General Curia. It had become necessary to re-think the distribution criterion because of the decision to amalgamate several Provinces. The Commission produced a proposal to be considered by the General Council and then put to the Assembly of Major Superiors for its examination.
Drafting guidance for the whole Order to assist the Provinces to establish their stable patrimony. Here again, it drew up a proposal for submission to the General Council who would take a decision on its implementation.
Initial reflections on drafting an economic directory which the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CIVCSVA) requires all Religious Institutes to adopt in future.
Initial reflections on the administrative rules which the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CIVCSVA) requires all Religious Institutes to adopt in future.
Establishing well-defined procedures for the Provinces that have incorporated their centres into a foundation or created their own public juridical person (PJP).