Missions and International Cooperation Office



In the conclusions of the General Chapter 2006 an invitation was sent out to the whole Order to take up a number of priorities with commitment, and in a renewed and dedicated spirit. Against the background of the communion which this demands, and with the desire to be "born again" we would like to highlight the points which constitute a concrete responsibility that we have to take on ourselves:


"The Missions and International Cooperation Office is an initial area for cooperation which we must promote in order to encourage Solidarity and Cooperation particularly with the Order's Centres in the developing (poor or deprived) countries.


"Its mission will be to handle all the issues relating to Missions and International Cooperation, acting in coordination with the Provinces, and the Order's Associations and NGOs which must continue working and cooperating".[1] We might add that that this will be done in the sense of communion mentioned at the beginning and by growing in communion, respecting identities and the particular character of their work".


"... to intensify and encourage Twinning between Centres or between Provinces... not only between the countries of the North and those in the South, but also in the opposite direction..."[2]


"... to decentralise fundraising for International Cooperation, leaving a number of initiatives to the Provinces... to inform the General Curia about all the projects that have been financed and supported by the Provinces..."[3]



- The Missionary Animation of the Hospitaller Order

- International Cooperation: development and humanitarian assistance projects. ONGDs. Coordination of the Saint John of God Fundraising Alliance

- Fundraising: Almsgiving

- Voluntary Service

 - Twinning (Cooperation between Centres)



The Office is managed by :

  • Bro. Angel López MARTÍN Director

[1] Declarations of the LXVI General Chapter. Letter setting out the Programme for the Sexennium. 3. Priorities of Hospitality. 3.3. Priorities in Cooperation, para. 4.

[2] Declarations of the LXVI General Chapter. Letter setting out the Programme for the Sexennium. 3. Priorities of Hospitality. 3.3. Priorities in Cooperation, para. 5.

[3] Declarations of the LXVI General Chapter. Letter setting out the Programme for the Sexennium. 3. Priorities of Hospitality. 3.3. Priorities in Cooperation, para. 8.



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