Ana Domene Alcaraz



Sister Hospitaller


Ana Domene Alcaraz


As a Sister Hospitaller my life derives its strength from the Hospitality I practise as the source and wellspring of mercy, which pours forth continuously from the open Heart of Jesus, the Good Samaritan.

Hospitality which I feel at all times opening up within me, making my dedication possible; it makes me what I am, and enables me to respond to the vocation of service to which I feel I have been called.

It is here, in the depths, that silence becomes a meeting place, and from within, my eyes open and I can see it… in people who, as God’s living images, show me how Life pulses with an unsuspected power where others may perhaps only see sickness or disability, and with it depersonalisation.

I live Hospitality as a value which reaches out, liberating and healing, because no one is an outsider, so that, by opening windows and doors, the heart allows the breeze to blow through, ventilating the soul and sweeping away everything which takes up space, and makes us all smaller, leaving no room for the only truly important thing, which is to see His face, at all times, in all those with whom we share our lives and to whom we give to by being life.

I live a Hospitality with powerful and deep roots, which plunge down into fertile ground that has been watered by the life of service of those who have gone before me and who, in John of God, Benedict Menni, María Josefa Recio and María Angustias Jiménez, have discovered a path of discipleship, followed by other men and women, and trusting that others still will follow after us.

The Hospitality I practise is not for appearances;  it is my own identity by which I want people to know me. The Lord knows this and I turn to Him to let me see, listen and feel. Because this is the only way I shall be the response to His call, by making my life a donation and an offering, underpinning and making faithfulness possible. In His mercy I hope and trust. 


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