Anthony Dinh Duc Toan





Anthony Dinh Duc Toan


My name is Anthony. Before I entered the Order I had qualified as an engineer and I had a stable job and a good salary. I became interested in the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God and I made enquires about it and how to join it. The Brothers advised me to think carefully, pray, and talk with someone whose guidance I could trust before giving up my work and entering the order. After three years of careful consideration I chose to answer my Hospitaller vocation and enter the Order. Some of my friends and acquaintances expressed their regret about my decision and they included the Director of the company that employed me and my work colleagues. I have not regrated my life choice and, after a period of careful religious formation, I am soon to make my definitive commitment to the Order and its mission of healing by means of solemn vows. I pray to my God for the grace to be loyal to my vocation. 


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