Jean Verges





Jean Verges


“Hospitality known no frontiers”


Struck by St John of God’s message and stirred by a call to come to the help of the Hospitaller Brothers in Togo, Anny, my wife, and I could not remain indifferent. Our marital love grew up in Faith and Charity at the Brothers’ side. It is with them that we spent our entire professional life, starting at the Oudinot Clinic. 

Our commitment and our attachment to the charism of Hospitality sent us far beyond our own borders. It was during a community meeting at the Rue Oudinot that we first felt the urge to go and work with the missions in Africa.  That awakening took us to various humanitarian missions in Togo and in Benin. In due course the “Friends of Afagnan and Tanguiéta” came into being.  And now many people support the Brothers and our little group with their generosity.

What showed us the way was the example of St John of God, who sought no glory and had no objective other than to heal and to comfort. That is why we left to train African doctors to help the sick. The cultural shock was enormous … but the hospitality and the Faith of the Communities were warm. We are happy in the knowledge that we received more than we gave. 


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