Olga Jeanet Cespedes Castillo





Olga Jeanet 

Cespedes Castillo


I have been a member of the St John of God Family since 1983, growing spiritually and professionally in it, being able to develop my vocation of service at the San Rafael Hospital. Throughout this time I have lived Hospitality but I have also taught others what the Hospitaller Order is all about, to know about it and speak about its apostolic centres, and particularly about Saint John of God himself, becoming a testimony of evangelisation. As a lecturer in the School in 1994 I shared my knowledge, experience and my life with the Order, offering my grain of sand to the formation of teenagers and Brothers of the Order to become Nursing Auxiliaries.

I have experienced joy and sadness in the Order’s centres, the life of the Brothers and of some of the lay men and women who have faithfully testified to it. I would mention particularly the retirement of some of my Co-workers from the School, leaving only three colleagues with me and 105 students, obtaining decrees and attracting new aspirants. In July 2005 I was appointed Director, a challenge which I took up on myself praying to the God of Wisdom, to be able to work all together for a common objective: “to respond to the students’ demand for training, and to show concern to project the institution”. The result has come about thanks to having responsibly responded to this commitment, each year demonstrating Love for the Order, with the blessing of God, and the protection of St John of God and Saint Raphael the Archangel, and the School will shortly be celebrating its 40th anniversary, a leader in the field of training Nursing Auxiliaries. The satisfaction I enjoy is my Love of God and the Hospitaller Order, and being and living happily with what I do, what I am, and what I have! 


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