Maria Luísa Câmara Leme





Maria Luísa Câmara Leme


I have been a full-time volunteer since 1997, but a hospitaller volunteer only since May 2010, which is really a shame: unfortunately, early on, the stigma of mental illness did influence my decision.

But then a friend invited me to give it a try and I was captivated. I like being a hospitaller volunteer: I have found here a small piece of paradise.

The people I help are so pure, sincere, friendly … and whatever I do for them is always very little compared to such nobility of heart.

Being a hospitaller volunteer is really a way of life: it’s about being simple, paying attention to the silent cry of the other; rising early in the morning, but waking up happy because I can spend the day with friends.

It means having a ready, welcoming smile. Being a bit like a mother.

Helping, listening, laughing, hugging … understanding, accepting, respecting others for who they are. Bringing joy and making sure that every day is different from the day before.

Being a hospitaller volunteer means loving unconditionally. 


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