Dominic Tran Van Duc





Dominic Tran Van Duc


My name is Dominic and I have a strong desire to take care of the sick and the needy. That was my first motivation for entering the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God. I wanted to learn how to care for people. Because my initial motivation was very human – wanting to learn something – at first I was not happy with the life that I began living. However, when I was put in contact with poor people and shared in the work of distributing rice to them each day my attitude changed and I felt intense happiness and came to love my vocation to bring the healing presence into the lives of suffering people. I also discovered models of Hospitality in the Brothers whose lives I was now sharing. Their example helped me to overcome difficulties and their words and actions encouraged and guided me. One Brother in particular was a mirror for me in which I was able to see if I could emulate him in his perseverance in offering loving care to people who suffered. I never saw him irritable or cross with the patients. I try to be like him and to be always hospitable to the patients and their needs. When I encounter difficulties, his example helps me overcome them. I thank God for my Hospitaller Vocation which opens to me life in the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God and participation in its healing ministry. 


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