Nelly Gonzalez





Nelly Gonzalez


I am Nelly Gonzalez; I came to the OHSJD in May 2011 to work as a General Services Auxiliary at a time when I was living through a very difficult period of my life. Here, I met some very special people, including the Brothers who were full of joy and dynamism and who helped me to pull out of the abyss into which I felt that I had descended.

God sent me to the best place, with the best people, and the Provincial Superior gave me the possibility to work directly with the Order in the cafeteria.

Here I began my work serving the Brothers, Co-workers and the visitors. I learned to live in the John of God family with such values as generosity, respect, hospitality, and service, through such activities as “The Solidarity Walk” to take wholesome meals to people living in the street, homeless and hungry, under the leadership of the Provincial Curia.

I saw how the Brothers strive to make the Hospitals and Centres work properly, demonstrating a high level of solidarity and humanitarian care, dedicated to service, and ready and willing to listen to other people’s concerns.

I thank the Brothers for having taught me the charism of Hospitality and their values. I have been very happy and I like being here, because it is here that I feel closest to God, able to serve, and I believe that I have been reborn again, in the place that has taught me to survive against all odds. 


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