Franco Javier Viani




Franco Javier Viani


I would like to talk about my experiences that have marked my life and led me to join the Hospitaller Order in 2005. I remember one particular day when I went to the shrine of San Pantaleón (where I was baptised) where I listened to a sermon by a priest with great spiritual strength who led me to question myself.

On another occasion I went to the Church for Holy Week and took part in the Vía Crucis, and other celebrations which enabled me to understand in a new way the Mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When I went on the foot pilgrimage to the shine of Our Lady of Lujan (Patron of Argentina), I was able to see, during my way there, what Mary our Mother means to us in the midst of the suffering and pain of all of her children.

These experiences led to me to become even more committed to the Church, working as a missionary with a group of young people, helping at Mass every Sunday, reciting the Rosary every day, and later hearing the call of God to join the Religious life; but I did not know where, or how. It was a priest who helped me to discern where God wanted me to serve Him, and at an inter-Congregational retreat, where a number of different charism were presented to us, I was able to identify with the charism of the Hospitaller Brothers of St John of God.

I decided to speak to a Brother of St John of God who gave me the chance to experience serving patients in that house. That was where I learnt about the life of Saint John of God and the Brothers, and all of this reconfirmed my Hospitaller vocation. Today, I give thanks to God for being happy with the sick and needy and I continue praying for sufficient strength to continue giving myself with generosity, day after day serving people, especially the most vulnerable people of the world, as Saint John of God did.


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