Luis F. Rodriguez Mesa





Luis F. Rodriguez Mesa


The opportunities that life brings us are the manifestation of God’s love. And for this reason I consider myself privileged to belong to the Family of the Hospitaller Order, which opened its arms to welcome me 22 years ago as one of its Co-workers.

Living hospitality in my day-to-day life has been the greatest treasure that the Colombian Province has gifted me.

Travelling along this path with the Order has enabled me to experience a profound transformation, to be able to reflect and grow, as a person and as a professional. I have learned to recognise in the patients and their loved ones the importance of sensitising ourselves to pain and suffering, and have learned through service the essence of my spirituality.

My experience has shown me that my work by the side of the Brothers and Co-workers in the Hospital has to preserve and strengthen the footprint which St John of God has left us with his testimony of “doing good, well”.

Thanks to the generosity of the Hospitaller Order, my formation in Bioethics has given me with a holistic view of the administrative and nursing responsibilities vested in me.

In short, trust and heartfelt warmth have convinced me to deploy my efforts with professionalism and responsibility to serve those in greatest need. 


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