Beregrino Im




South Korea

Beregrino Im


I work at the Chuncheon Welfare Center for the Homeless in Korea. The center is a residential service for the homeless, the sick, alcoholics and the mentally or physically handicapped. When I was 21 years old I started to do voluntary work and live at the center.  At that time I had some difficult issues in my personal life. I was focused on myself like an immature child. The people at the Centre were similar to the people to whom St. John of God committed his life. They had unfortunate stories and they were suspicious of others.  I saw how the Brothers and co-workers treated the residents with respect and by an holistic way of care.  I was very surprised by this attitude and gradually I realized that I was looking for more out of life.  I spent time meditating on life and the things that were happening around me.  After completing my two-year residential voluntary work at the Center I chose to study social work instead of continuing to study architecture. I came back to the Center as a co-worker in 2000.  My life change and experience seemed as nothing compared to what others have experienced.  But I think that I am called by the providence of the Lord to follow the way of St. John of God according to the teaching of Jesus who said: “I give you a new commandment to love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another”. (John 13:34) 


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