Marcelo Romero





Marcelo Romero


I am a radiology technician.

My function is to process images, but I also have other tasks.

I am responsible for coordinating the C.A.L unit which is more of a social function, and I have the satisfaction of working as an animator/entertainer and as the official “clown” when events are organised for the patients and their loved ones.

I believe that the first thing I can do every day is to fuel my vocation, and this can be done by seeking to better understand my patients who are not there simply to pay us a visit, but because they are in pain. From that point of view I can offer them a soothing word of encouragement, and make their visit to the unit as pleasant and relaxing as possible. Giving them the place they deserve and knowing that poor health is not a disability but a different ability, and in a few words give the patient back their dignity as persons who, very often, feel that they have lost it. 


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