John Bintor





John Bintor


At the time of writing this I am a Second Year Novice. At primary school I encountered dedicated and zealous religious teachers and priests who brought about in me a deep interest in their lives and activities. The warden of my hostel at high school was a Montfort Brother. He often spoke about the life of Brothers. That touched my life because I wished to do something for others who are suffering. That desire and my prayers made me sensitive to the Saint John of God Brothers who came to my school on Vocations promotion when I was in 12th grade. They spoke about their life and activities and my general desire to be a Brother and to help needy people crystallised into a conviction that I should become a St. John of God Brother. Initially I was anxious about telling my parents that I felt that I had a vocation. I prayed to the Lord for courage and, finally, I was able to speak to my father. He went and talked with the parish priest about this. The priest gave me a letter to the Brothers and I met them at the Deshgaon community. They welcomed me wholeheartedly. I spent one year there and then came to Poonamallee for Postulancy and Novitiate. The John of God novitiate programme makes sure that we novices get a lot of experience in the various ministries of the Brothers. That experience of Hospitality in action has been invaluable to me in my formation.  


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