Raphael Dillon





Raphael Dillon


I was born in 1919, so at the time of writing this I am 95 years of age. I grew up in Northern Queensland in a city named Cairns. There were four children in my family and I was the youngest. I attended a high school conducted by the Marist Brothers. Every year a Marist Brother used to come to the school and speak about the vocation of the religious Brother. Of course, I did think about becoming a Marist Brother but when I left school I decided to join my father in his business – he was a manufacturer of soft drinks. I became aware of the Order through my Parish Priest – an Augustinian named Father Thomas Hunt OSA. He passed on to me some vocations promotion material that the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God had sent to every parish in Australia. I was attracted to the idea of being a Brother in an Order that carried out charitable works so I applied and I was received into the novitiate at Morisset New South Wales on 8 March 1950 – when I was 31 years old. Early in my religious life I trained as a psychiatric nurse and I served as a nurse outside Australia – in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the USA. In my final years in this world I live in a retirement home. However, I am not retired from exercising Hospitality – and I do that daily amongst my fellow inmates in the home. 


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