Rosaura Julian Galvez





Rosaura Julian Galvez


Welcoming, and being available to serve: those are the basic underlying principles for our work.  You feel appreciated and you work with the conviction that you are able to help and to participate in the project.  Feeling that you are an integral part of the process from the very outset gives you strength and enthusiasm.

The people whom we care for are the generators of that strength: they are very vulnerable people, many of them have been rejected by society, but they teach us daily that you can find happiness in the simplest of details.

I have had so many experiences in these past five years that make me feel more human:  helping, listening, or simply offering a smile without expecting anything in return.

One of the most satisfying experiences, which had a great impact on my life, was afforded me thanks to an opportunity my colleagues provided:  we were able to transfer a patient to a nice little apartment.  Once he was installed there, he turned to us and said: “you’ve changed my life, you have made me very happy”.  Words cannot express the feeling that gave me, but I do know it taught me to appreciate little things in our everyday life that previously I wouldn’t even have noticed.

Thanks to institutions like ours, some of these people who have no family and not enough money to live on, are able to find a home, and company, and medical care etc.  This is the great contribution of the Foundation, where the whole staff works tirelessly to offer a better quality of life to the people we care for. 


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