Jinsuk Yu




South Korea

Jinsuk Yu


I work at a Welfare Centre for the Elderly in Gwangju, Korea. It is eight years since I began working as a member of the St. John of God Family.  When I started to work at the Centre I was assigned to the home visiting service program, which provides aid for the elderly who are living alone and have financial or physical difficulties. Most of the elderly lived in very poor and distressing housing conditions. They live alone and are alienated from other family members who live far away and are disconnected from other family members. When I was faced with these situations I agonized over what I could do for these aged people. I was thinking over and over, “How can I help them in such miserable situations?”  But I discovered that it was not so important to be very active doing things for them. It was more important to allow them to share their past memories and stories with me. I just listened to what they said to me with an open mind. I had to be hospitable to the parts of their lives that they remembered and treasured. It was same for the elderly who use the day leisure programs in the Centre. They really appreciate my warm welcome and listening. Day by day I am learning that financial support and various programs are not always the most urgent needs of elderly people – they just want to meet people who really welcome and listen to them. 


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