Marcela Aguilar Mendoza






Aguilar Mendoza


My story begins when I joined the fifth generation of clinical and liaison psychologists – an experience that allowed me to acquire a wide range of very valuable instruments for my work. That is where I learned about the philosophy of the Hospitaller Order: “By doing good to others you do yourself good!” I have been working in this hospital since 2005. It cannot begin to summarize in just a few words all the emotions I have lived through, the moments of joy, the training, and the personal, professional and spiritual fulfilment I experienced. I thank the Lord for showing me this path, this hospital, these people with whom I have shared everything: my marriage, the birth of my children, the death of my father… I have found friends, marvellous and sensitive people who have taught me a lot.

I am and shall always be proud of belonging to the Hospitaller family, which I hold in my heart. 


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