Jairo Enrique Urueta Blanco





Jairo Enrique

Urueta Blanco


I give thanks to God for having brought me to know the Hospitaller Order in my vocational process.  I remember the mission of the sisters of Charity of Saint Ann in the hospital of the Infant Jesus in Baranquilla, Colombia; seeing the dedication with which they attended to patients suffering from tuberculosis.  That is when I first heard of Hospitality, and that there had been a saint who had devoted himself to working with the sick, and that through them he had discovered the mercy of God.  This made my heart impatient to know the Brothers of Saint John of God, and thus I ultimately began upon the path of Hospitality, which has permitted me to be what I am today, and to serve others as well as I can, and to live in joy beside the sick, the poor and the needy, who are always in need of a friendly hand or a word which lets them discover the love of God.  In the process I also found a family which took me in and accepted me in my poverty and my sinfulness, showing me that brotherhood is loving and feeling loved, through the respect and the personal fulfillment that is found in a community project.  Thus this stage in my life has permitted me to love Jesus, to know him and to serve him.  It has also made it possible for me to form young men who are seeking to become brothers, partaking in this project of life. This search for Jesus is a task which I have discovered in my spiritual life, feeling His love in my brothers.  It is not an easy path, but one which gives us many satisfactions.   Feeling part of God’s plan among men and at the same time knowing that there is much we still must do, and that God’s mercy is infinite.  Looking at Saint John of God I have learned to love, to respect and to try to follow him in living Hospitality.  I have often felt fatigued in the mission and I have sometimes thought how difficult it is to serve when you wish to be recognised by others, but all I have to do is look at this man who, following Jesus, gave himself to others unto the very end.  Thank you, Lord, for all you have given me and for allowing me to know You through this hospitaller service. 


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