Gabriel Torres Velazquez





Gabriel Torres Velazquez


My name is Gabriel Torres Velázquez. I am a male nurse at the St John of God Hospital.

My testimony is about the reason why I work there.

I went into nursing by chance, when I was only 15. I’d finished my secondary studies and only returned to school a year later. I enrolled at the CECATI technical college where I followed an eight-month course for assistant caregivers. 

Those eight months, living in close contact with a multitude of people, opened my eyes to the existence of a universe I hadn’t suspected was there.

I know we all have problems and needs , but when the sick see you dressed in white you become a source of hope for them and from then on they obey you blindly because  they think you bring them health.

For them we represent the path to health, a path marked out by love, nobility, truth and compassion. From us, they expect words of encouragement that go beyond their illness.

I would never have spoken this way in the paste and I give thanks to St John of God for putting these words into my mouth.      

Thank you! 


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