Renier Apolonio




The Philippines

Renier Apolonio


How did I become a member of the Order? While training in physio-therapy I had wanted to have my internship program in a paediatric center. My goal was to be well rounded and exposed to all kinds of cases.  Sadly, I never got the opportunity.  However, an old friend asked me if I was interested in working in a paediatric center. I said ‘yes’ and he then mentioned that once I passed the board exam he would refer me to his workplace.  I was so excited at that time.  Even more excited that I had passed my licensure exam.  I informed him that I was at last a licensed physical therapist.  He then accompanied me to “San Ricardo Pampuri Canter “ where I am currently working.  I feel blessed that my personal goal has been accomplished.  And I am happy working with the Brothers, my co-workers and the special children whom I treat daily. I had never encountered paediatric conditions such as cerebral palsy or motor development delay when I was a student.  It seems to me now that God has called me to serve the innocent children at the Bahay San Rafael. I am most grateful to the Brothers for providing me with this opportunity.  I am happy and I love my work of helping special children reach their maximum capacity. My professional service is part of the Hospitality that the Order extends to them as persons and their special needs. 


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