Peter Kal




Papua New Guinea

Peter Kal


My name is Peter Kal and I am a Papua New Guinean Saint John of God Brother. I am studying for the Hospitaller priesthood in a seminary at Port Moresby. I was born at Mt. Hagen in the Western Highlands. After I left school I worked as Parish Clerk at Rebiamul. It was then that I learned of the Order and its hospitable work. I was accepted as a postulant in 1992. After I made profession I trained as a Community Health Worker. With this qualification I was able to integrate the cultural tradition of Melanesian hospitality with the spiritual charism of Hospitality that is our legacy from Saint John of God. When the Order asked me to study religious formation and then serve as a Formator I was able to show the men in formation that our Papua New Guinean hospitality could achieve greater heights when, following the teachings of Saint John of God, we see ourselves as brothers of everyone  we meet. In 2012 I was sent to study for the priesthood. I feel very privileged that I may be called to be a Brother-priest. If I receive that call I will be the first Papua New Guinean Saint John of God priest. I am very aware that then I will be expected to be a priest who shows in his actions and attitudes that God is merciful and wants us to be open to one another’s needs. That seems to be a strong tradition of the Hospitaller priesthood. 


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