Balbina Recillas Rosales





 Balbina Recillas Rosales


In 1999 Bro. Pablito gave me a little plexiglass statue of St John of God. It came in a transparent plastic casing and I took it home. I continuously prayed to it, for my family and for the mental health of my patients.

One day – it was in August of 2000 – while our family was going through a very difficult period, I went up close to the statue and realized that the Saint and the child which He held in his arms were both breathing.  The place where the plastic came into contact with their noses was steamed-up like a mirror. I showed it to my daughter-in-law and she exclaimed, “They’re breathing!” Later I could hardly control my emotions and I told my husband that something was going to happen to our son. And the fact is that the very same evening he had a serious accident but got out alive. 

I am deeply grateful to the Hospitaller Order and I urge my patients and the Co-Workers to draw inspiration from the values of St John of God and to pray to him always.  

By doing good to others you do yourself good! 


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