Finance Commission meeting in Munich
Review of the economic and financial position of the Order's centres around the world
Bavarian Province with its Provincial, Brother Rudolf Knopp, hosted the Order's
Finance Commission on 10-11 April 2024, which this time met exceptionally in
Munich instead of Rome.
meeting was chaired by Brother José Augusto Gaspar Louro, the Bursar General,
who travelled from Rome together with Commission members Dr. Antonio Barnaba
from the Rome Province and Dr. Pietro Cacciarelli from the General Curia. They
were accompanied by their interpreters Mr Klaus Mutschlechner and Ms Isabel
Castilla. Dr Dolores Saenz from the Spanish Province arrived from Spain.
was represented by the Director Adolf Inzinger and Director Peter Ausweger.
Brother Rudolf Knopp and Administrative Director Ansgar Dieckhoff attended
representing the Bavarian Province.
addition to preparing the budget and financial statements of the General Curia,
the Finance Commission plays an important role in the financial supervision of
the Order's centres around the world. One of the main items for discussion was
the overall increasingly complex and difficult situation of health and social
services in Europe.