New Admissions to the Fatebenefratelli European Novitiate
Last Saturday,19 November, on
the Solemnity of the Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the rite of
admission to the Novitiate by Martin Tuci from the Roman Province, László
Kalabér from the Austrian Province, Michaël Grugurevic from the French Province
and Rui Miguel Santos Faria Tereso from the Portuguese Province, was celebrated
in the chapel of the Fatebenefratelli European Novitiate in Brescia, Italy.
Presiding over the celebration
was Brother Massimo Villa, Provincial Superior of the Lombardy-Veneto Province
as the Delegate of their Provincials, in the presence of the Brothers of the
European Community of the Novitiate and a number of Hospitaller Brothers who
had come from the French, Rome and Lombardy-Veneto Provinces for the event.
We wish all the novices to be
always ready to give themselves to Christ and to their brothers and sisters,
and to commit themselves as disciples of Christ and His Gospel.
May the Virgin Mary and our
Founder, St John of God, accompany them on this journey and stay close by their
side, especially in times of difficulty.
May St Richard Pampuri, a
paragon of Hospitality, intercede for us.