First meeting of the REVIVAL project
Following the
Granada meeting for the MOVE project (30 September - 01 October), the partners
of the European REVIVAL project have just gathered once again, this time in
Madrid at the headquarters of the Juan Ciudad Foundation. The meeting took
place in a very collaborative atmosphere, and above all with the great pleasure
of being able to meet in person after more than eighteen months of working
The meeting was attended by representatives of all the centres involved
in the project, with the exception of the Irish partner (St John of God
Community Services - Dublin), which nevertheless followed both meetings via
video-conference link.
REVIVAL is the latest in a series of European projects being promoted by
the 'Hospitality Europe' Brussels office and is designed to promote the
inclusion of people with disabilities through their participation in artistic
and cultural activities, particularly in the field of theatre and drama.
The partners include the Order and the Sisters Hospitallers Centres in
Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Poland, Austria and Germany, as well as the
Hospitality Europe office itself (Belgium) and the Aratos Theatre Company
(Greece). In 2022 and 2023, the project will continue with further
transnational meetings and a collective mobility event in which people with
disabilities will be involved in creative and cultural activities in the
participating centres.
The REVIVAL project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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