Brother Pietro Maria de Giovanni


(al secolo: Angelo)

Vicar-General of the Order.

Born in Benevento on 29 October 1842, which then belonged to the Papal States.

Died on 12 February 1913 in Rome, in St John Calibita Hospital, aged 70, and 36 years of Religious Profession..

Together with his brothers, Angelo completed his elementary studies privately under the guidance of a pious priest who lived in the house as their family chaplain. After his high school studies at the "Giannone" College and his civil law studies under the guidance of a judge from Benevento, he worked for a short time as a judge and then as a lawyer.

According to the Rome Provincial necrology: "His mother was from the family of the Marquis Macedonio di Ruggiano (LE). He took the Religious habit in 1876, made his simple vows in Rome in 1877, appointed was Prior of the Benevento House for several years in 1877, Provincial in 1893, Prior of St John Calibita in 1905, and was reconfirmed in office in 1910.

"Following the death of Fr Cassiano Maria Gasser he was appointed Vicar-General until the following Chapter, which was held in 1916.

“He was a good, charitable Brother and a lover of regular observance. Today he left this life, with all the comforts of our faith, having completed 35 years of Religious profession.

He donated to the Province a piece of land he owned, where he rebuilt the present Sacred Heart of Jesus Hospital, of which he must therefore be considered the founder".

In addition to pronouncing the canonical formula of Solemn Profession, Brother Pietro also signed a private pledge declaration to "live in poverty and in perfect common life, as prescribed by the Rule of our Holy Father Augustine, and not in the practice tolerated in the past". He also subjected himself to severe penances and acts of mortification, but not arbitrarily, and only with the permission of his spiritual father.

When his curial duties were over, he asked to be able to dedicate himself to the sick and was sent to Ruffano (LE) where the Community ran a small hospice for the aged. Unfortunately, after only a month, he developed bladder cancer that forced him to return to Rome, and was admitted to Tiber Island Hospital where, after a long and painful Calvary that he faced with edifying resignation, he yielded his soul to God.

He was buried in Rome’s Verano Cemetery, but in 1957 his body was exhumed and his remains interred in the Chapel of the Hospital he had founded at Benevento.


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