Brother Francisco Javier Palacios Cabello Even before entering the Religious life, Francisco Javier knew how to practise sensitive and holistic hospitality, and his manner of living the faith
Brother Àngel María Carrasco Fernández On 20 August 1942, a young newly-professed Brother died in the house in Ciempozuelos (Madrid), aged 21 years 6 months in religion: Brother Ángel María Carrasco Fernández who, with a trembling hand
Brother Ferdinando Tosto He was the second of seven children born into a simple hard-working family of farm labourers. He was an easy-going, mild and good-natured young man
Father Joaquín Villanueva Balda His parents, Juan and Josefa had nine sons, of whom Joachín and Fernando both became priests in the Order while a third, Brother Fausto, was an exemplary Brother dedicated to the service of the mentally ill
Brother Tomás Canet García Brother Tomás was an commendable Brother who spent his Religious life in two Houses: in Valencia and in Sant Boi. In Valencia he worked as an almoner for 28 years
Brother Joachim Niedbal He was baptised Antoni. According to his application for acceptance into the Order, he attended three classes of primary school. During the Second World War, he was forced to work in the German mines in Westphalia and Silesia