Barcelona General Definitory
The General Definitory held its first meeting of the year in Barcelona (Sant Boi), at the Curia of the Aragon Province, from 8 to 14 January, attended by Brothers Jesús Etayo, Joaquim Erra, Pascal Ahodegnon, José Augusto Gaspar Louro, Joseph Smith, Dairon Meneses, Vincent Kochamkunnell, Rudolf Knopp, Benigno Ramos, Ángel López and André Sene.
As usual, the members of the General Definitory reviewed the past year, and reported on the work of the General Commissions, the animation Regions and the canonical visitations already conducted since the beginning of the Sexennium. Another item on the agenda was the progress report on the amalgamation of the Spanish and Latin American Provinces, scheduled to take place in 2020. The agenda also included the General Government’s annual plan of work.
The Brothers took advantage of their stay in Barcelona to visit a few centres of the Aragon Province: the Sant Boi Parc Sanitario, the Barcelona Children's Hospital (Espluguas), the Manresa General Hospital, and the Almacellas Centro Sociosanitario.
A special word of thanks is due to the Provincial, Brother José Luis Fonseca, the Superior, Brother Eduardo Ribes, and all the Brothers and Co-workers at the Provincial Curia, in addition to the Co-workers in the Centres we visited for their welcome and helpfulness shown to the General Definitory during this week of work and service, and of fraternal sharing in hospitality.