New project promoted by Hospitality Europe

The Hospitaller Order’s European office in Brussels – Hospitality Europe – has received the good news that the Agency responsible for the European Union’s “Erasmus+” programme has agreed to finance another European project proposal that the office had submitted some months ago, for the specialised training of healthcare and social workers assisting adult victims of violence (the disabled, people with mental health problems, migrants etc.).

The new project is entitled “VICTims of violence Overstep Reluctance and Isolation through Adult education” – or VICTORIA) and will begin in the coming months and be completed in the summer of 2021.

The overall aim of the project is to develop an effective method for enabling the guests in the Hospitaller Order structures with backgrounds of difficult domestic or social violence to continue their education and receive vocational training. By offering appropriate training and occupational activities – taking account of their traumas and the psychological repercussions of the violence inflicted on them or witnessed by them – the project partners will promote innovative education programmes to help the victims to overcome the tendency to withdraw, isolate themselves or fear other people and their own future. 

In addition to the provision of specialised training for the carers, particular attention will be devoted to the psychological and social problems of the victims of violence by drafting a European protocol for facilitating their reincorporation into the world of education and employment.

The project will be coordinated by the Madrid-based Juan Ciudad Foundation and will receive a European grant of EUR150,000. The centres taking part in the project include the St John of God Centre at Ciempozuelos (Spain), the St John of God Institute (Portugal), the Pampuri Night Shelter in Brescia and the Rome Province’s Centre at Genzano (Italy), in addition to the “Hospitality Europe” office in Brussels. Various events will be held nationally and at the European level to disseminate the results of the project and involve other healthcare and social care facilities in the European Provinces of the Order and the Sisters Hospitallers.


The progetto project has been funded  with  support  from the European  Commission.

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